RSYNC server CentOS 6.5

Make sure xinetd and rsync is available, if not type
# yum -y install rsync xinetd

Add xinetd service to system
# chkconfig --add xinetd

Make sure xinetd running on init 3 and 5
# chkconfig --list xinetd

Enable rsync
# vi /etc/xinetd.d/rsync
Change disable = yes into disable = no

Create username and password for rsync client to use
# vi /etc/rsyncd.secrets

Create configuration and shares for rsync daemon
# vi /etc/rsyncd.conf

max connections = 2
log file = /var/log/rsync.log
timeout = 300

comment = shared data stored here
path = /home/adminname/shares
read only = false
list = yes
uid = adminname
gid = adminname
auth users = adminname
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
hosts allow =

Secure /etc/rsyncd.*
# chown root.root /etc/rsyncd.*
# chmod 600 /etc/rsyncd.*

Restart xinetd
# service xinetd restart

Make sure rsync now running
# chkconfig --list

Perhaps you also want to enable port 873 tcp and udp on your firewall so other can connect to your server.